In some countries, Teachers' Days are intended to be special days for the appreciation of teachers. Some of them are holidays while others are celebrated during working days.
Teachers' Days Celebrated in Working Days
The last Friday in October is celebrated as World Teachers' Day in Australia.

September 5 is Teacher's Day in "India". It is the birthday of second President of India and teacher Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. When Dr. Radhakrishnan became the president of India in 1962, some of his students and friends approached him and requested him to allow them to celebrate 5 September, his birthday. In reply, Dr. Radhakrishnan said, "Instead of celebrating my birthday separately, it would be my proud privilege if September 5 is observed as "Teachers Day".
This is not a holiday in India. It is considered a "celebration" day, where teachers and students report to school as usual but the usual activities and classes are replaced by activities of celebration, thanking and remembrance. At some schools on this day, the responsibility of teaching is taken up by the senior students as an appreciation for their teachers.
Traditionally, people in India have given tremendous respect and honor to teachers. An old Indian saying (usually taught to children), ranks teacher in the third place, even before God: "'Maata, Pitha, Guru, Daivam'", meaning Mother, Father and Teacher is God.
There is a difference between the spiritual teacher and a material teacher. For spiritual teacher, who causes to remove all the illusions from the mind of his disciple and makes him feel the precence of God, there is another saying in the form of a couplet (doha), which goes, "Guru Govind doou khare kake lagon paai? Balihari guru aap ki Govind deeo batai," Meaning "I am in a fix whom to salute first: the teacher or the God. I shall choose the teacher as he is the one who is instrumental in me knowing the God". Further, a central piece in Hindu scripture reads "Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu, Guru devo Maheshwaraha - Gurussaakshaath param brahma tasmai shree gurave namaha," which translates as "The Guru (Teacher) is the Lord Brahma (the Creator), the Guru is the Lord Vishnu (the Preserver), the Guru is the Lord Shiva (the Destroyer). The Guru is the Supreme Brahman (Ultimate Reality) visible to our eyes. To that Guru we offer our salutations"
There were always some confusions between a spiritual teacher to a material teacher. But these two are not at the same level and one must make sure that how to treat them individually.
November 25 is Teacher's Day (Indonesian: Hari Guru) in Indonesia.
The Iranian Teacher's Day is celebrated on May 2 (Ordibehesht 12, in Iranian Calendar), commemorating the martyrdom of Morteza Motahari on May 2, 1997.
May 16 is Teacher's Day (Malay: Hari Guru) in Malaysia.
May 15
In South Korea, Teachers' Day(스승의 날 in Korean) is celebrated on May 15 since 1963 in Seoul and 1964 in Chunju city. Originally it was started by a group of red-cross youth team members who visited their sick ex-teachers at hospitals. The national celebration ceremony had been stopped between 1973 and 1982 and it resumed after that. On the celebration day, teachers are usually presented with carnations by their students, and both enjoy a shorter school day. Ex-students pay their respects to the former teachers by visiting them and handing a carnation. Many schools nationwide are now being closed on this day to prevent a bribe for special managements from student's parents. Currently, Many schools are temponary closed.
South Korea
November 24 is the Teacher's Day (Turkish: Öğretmenler Günü) in Turkey. November 24 was dedicated to teachers by Kenan Evren since 1981. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk thought and stated that new generation will be created by teachers. (Turkish: "Öğretmenler yeni nesil sizin eseriniz olacaktır." - M. Kemal Atatürk) Atatürk was also considered as Prime Teacher (Turkish:Başöğretmen), because he adopted a new alphabet for the newly founded Turkish Republic on 1923....+
In the United States, National Teacher Day falls during Teacher Appreciation Week, which takes place in the first full week of May. Students often show appreciation for their teachers with token gifts.
The National Education Association describes National Teacher Day as "a day for honoring teachers and recognizing the lasting contributions they make to our lives".
As of September 7, 1976, September 11 was also adopted as Teachers' Day in the U.S. state of Massachusetts. Currently, Massachusetts sets the first Sunday of June as its own Teacher's Day, annually.
United States
The Teachers' Day was first founded at National Central University in 1931, adopted by the central government of ROC in 1932, and in 1939 the day was set on September 28, which is Confucius's birthday. It was abrogated by PRC government in 1951 and reestablished in 1985, and the day was changed to September 10. An increasing number of people are now making an effort to revert Teachers' Day back to Confucius's birthday.
In the Czech Republic, Teachers' Day (Den učitelů) is a non-official holiday, celebrated on March 28, birthday of Jan Ámos Komenský (Comenius). Children are expected to bring their teachers flowers. Public officials use this day to show appreciation to the profession (e.g. ) and reward best teachers.
Czech Republic
Teachers' Day in Argentina is celebrated on September 11, commemorating the death of President Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, politician and respected educator. The date was set to be celebrated in all countries in Latin America during the Interamerican Conference on Education of 1943, held in Panama.
Many Latin American countries, however, have a separate national Teachers' Day better accorded with their own history. In Brazil, Teachers' Day (Dia do Professor) or Master Day (Dia do Mestre) is on October 15. In Venezuela, Teachers' Day (Día de los Maestros) is held every year on January 15. In Mexico, in September of 1917, the Federal Congress decreed May 15 to be Teachers' Day (Día del Maestro). In Peru, Teacher's Day is celebrated on July 6. Colombia celebrates teacher day in May.
Latin America
As of 1952, Teacher's day has been in Hungary on the first Sunday of June.
In Poland Teachers' Day (Dzień Nauczyciela), or National Education Day (Dzień Edukacji Narodowej) is on October 14. On this day the Komisja Edukacji Narodowej (Commission of National Education) was established in 1773.
Students traditionally bring their teachers flowers or buy them some other small presents. Sometimes there are special assemblies held at schools for all the students and staff where students officially thank all their teachers for their effort. School is out on that day; the celebrations are usually held the day before.
In Russia Teachers' Day is on October 5. Before 1994, this day was assigned to be the first Sunday of October.
In Singapore, Teachers' Day is an official school holiday, celebrated on September 1. Celebrations are normally conducted the day before, when students get half a day off.
In Slovakia, Teachers' Day (Deň učiteľov) is a non-official holiday, celebrated on March 28, birthday of Jan Ámos Komenský (Comenius).
In Taiwan, it is celebrated on September 28. The day honors teachers' virtues, pains, and also their contribution not only to their own students but also to the whole society. People often make use of the day to express their gratitude to their teachers, such as paying them a visit or sending them a card. This date was chosen to commemorate the birth of Confucius, believed to be the model master educator in ancient China.
In 1939, the Ministry of Education established the national holiday to be August 27, the attributed birthday of Confucius. In 1952, the Executive Yuan changed it to September, stating that it was calculated to be the precise date in the Gregorian calendar.
The festival celebration occurs in the temples of Confucius around the island, known as the "Grand Ceremony Dedicated to Confucius" (祭孔大典). The ceremony begins at 6 AM with drum beats. 54 musicians dress in robes with blue belts, 36 (or 64) dancers dress in yellow with green belts. They are led by Confucius's chief descendant (currently Kung Te-cheng) and followed by ceremonial officers. Three animals -- the cow, the goat, and the pig -- are sacrificed. The hairs plucked from these sacrificed animals are called the Hairs of Wisdom.
In addition, local education institutes and civil offices award certain teachers for their excellence and positive influence.
January 16 was adopted as Teachers' Day in the Thailand by a resolution of the government on November 21, 1956. The first Teachers' Day was held in 1957.
In Vietnam, Ngày nhà giáo Việt Nam (Vietnamese Educators' Day) falls on November 20. This holiday allows students to express their respect to their teacher. Students begin preparing a week in advance, and many classes usually prepare literature and art to welcome teacher's day, while other student prepare foods and flowers for the parties held at their schools. Students usually visit their teachers at their homes to offer flowers and small gifts, or organize trips with their teachers and classmates. Former students also pay respect to their former teachers on this day.
The holiday has its origins in a meeting between educators in communist bloc nations in Warsaw in 1957. It was first celebrated in 1982.
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